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Teclast P76TI 8G tablet computer

Update: 2013/6/11??????View:
  • Brand: ???taidian
  • Type: ???P76TI
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  P76Ti uses A10 Teclast processor. The nuclear technology based on A10 and 1.5GHz limit ultra high frequency, Teclast P76Ti won a major performance breakthrough. As the world 's first support 2160P ultra high-definition flat-panel products. In addition, Teclast P76Ti also supports 3D video playback and 5.1 channel output. In addition to unmatched video playback capabilities, Teclast P76Ti also incorporates a strong 3D graphics accelerator, has excellent game performance and task processing ability. Both multi touch technology, 7 inches of high-definition screen attribute, meet the needs of different users of various application requirements.

  At present, P76Ti Teclast has officially listed, the price is only 499 yuan /8G!

  A10 many-core technology limit frequency 1.5GHz

  Teclast P76Ti is the world's first with A10 plate products, A10 chip frequency limit of up to 1.5GHz, is currently on the market similar products in the most frequent operation a. Meet user performance and higher demand for plate.

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