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In 2016, the store launched a strong crane one star boutique PO film, and achieved great success


In 2016, the store launched a strong crane one star boutique PO film, and achieved great success
Hung crane one star boutique PO film has the following advantages
Drip high transparency, anti fogging effect, permanent
I long to super insulation life
I wear some wind anti-static dust
To reduce pests, improve the environment
To the price advantage is obvious
In order to repay the love of our new and old customers, our company has greatly cut down its profits this year
For the vast number of customers again affection, recommended macro crane brand another product - Acer crane mirror PO film, which has the following advantages
Permanent drip defogging effect
Long service life
Anti-static dust free
Transparency is like a mirror effect
Obvious price advantage

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